Friday, December 10, 2010

Next Semester

So... turns out they wanted to run another flash class next semester but only one person signed up. They need 10 people in order for the class to run. They also said that we could turn the flash class into a web programming class html/javascript/css etc... either way as long as 10 people enroll the class will run. So if you want to take either of these classes post a comment on this blog post. We have till next week to get 10 people, otherwise they are going to cancel the class... so tell your friends to sign up.


Lesson 12

Class files

Homework is to create a particle system...

Friday, November 19, 2010

Lesson 10

create a 3D demo using what we learned today ... or do something with the gravity code

Download the classfiles:
class files

Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

Lesson 6

Homework: take the isoworld.fla file add more graphics and animations - build different structures out of the blocks.

Class Files

Friday, October 8, 2010

Lesson 5


Take the mini_site.fla file and add better animations and graphics to it.

download the class files here

Friday, October 1, 2010

Lesson 4

The homework for this week is to create another head using the technique we learned in class. Additionally, you should create something that uses buttons (it can be simple).

Class files

Friday, September 17, 2010

Lesson 2

Lesson 2
- parallax motion
- simple bouncing ball
- motion guide (fly)
- motion guide leaf
- stagger
- unicycle
- isometric 3D
- stagger nested
- (fp10 3D)
- pendulum

The class files are available here:

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Lesson 1

your homework is to create 3 drawings using flash.

All classfiles will be downloadable from here:

Class Files

Examples of flash online
Student recommended examples of flash online

Get into the designer workspace
choose a good size for your movie

Basic Drawing (keep drawing objects off)
- fill, stroke, selecting
- editing, bezier editing
- coloring gradients etc
- using shapes to cut other shapes
- transforming "Q key"
- alt dragging and cmd y
- grouping
- layers

Basic Animation
- frame by frame animation
- f6 - duplicate keyframe
- f7 - new empty keyframe
- f5 - new frame
- onion skinning

- shaded circle trick

- graphics, duplicating and transforming (color transform)

- across the screen
- adding keyframes inbetween, scale alpha etc...

- setting up, adding swf files


Introduction to Adobe Flash Animation
Friday 12:00-2:50

Instructor: Zevan Rosser [bendvent] [] [gmail]

// my sites

// other sites

// books
How to cheat in Flash CS4

Adobe Flash is the standard for creating interactive vector graphics and
animation on the Web. Students will explore the foundation assets and techniques
used within Flash and build several small projects as a basis to create
a large portfolio of vector-based interactive animations. Prerequisite: SMD-1020,
Foundations of Visual Computing, or equivalent.


There will be a homework assignment every week. Students will upload most of their homework assignments to


60% Homework

40% Attendance/Participation


Drawing Tools
Importing External files
Creating Graphics Objects
The Library Window
- symbols and symbol instances
Creating Motion tweens
- timeline
- keyframes
- layers
- ease in
- ease out
Creating Shape tweens
- vector graphics
- complex fx
- shape hints
- nesting clips
- isometric simulation
- tree structured animations
- forward kinematics
- over, down, up and hit
- button events
Flash 10 Timeline
- Motion Editor
- Inverse Kinematics
- advanced timeline tricks
- 3D
Timeline Code
- play, stop, gotoAndPlay and gotoAndStop
- using timeline code with buttons and movieClips
Simple Site 1
- navigateToUrl - linking pages on the internet
- dynamic text
Transformation and Distortion
- Distorting bitmaps
- The envelope tool
- Warping
- Card Flip
- Squash and Stretch
- Rotating Globe
- Flag Waving
- Handwriting
- Spotlight
- Focus
Motion Tips and Tricks
- Basic Shadow
- Drop Shadow
- Perspective Shadow
- Combining FX
Character Animation
- basic Techniques
- Lip Syncing (swap)
- Lip Syncing (nested)
- Sync
- Walk Cycles
- Looping Backrounds
FLV Video
Basic Sound
- mouseX, mouseY
- clip properties